
We welcome new members to join us – our members enjoy regular meetings, guest speakers, access to all our library resources and a monthly newsletter, and get to meet others with a common interest in family history who are willing to help with research.

Subscriptions for the 2024-25 year (from May 2024 to May 2025) are: Single  $55,  Joint $70 (joint membership is for two people living at the same address). Email for membership enquiries, or download a membership application form.

Visitors and prospective members are welcome to come along to any of our meetings for a gold coin donation.

You could also consider joining the  New Zealand Society of Genealogists.  A separate subscription is required for this.  There are many benefits from joining the New Zealand Society of Genealogists including their award-winning magazine (The New Zealand Genealogist), access to members-only databases, research services, special rates at the NZSG Family Research Centre and access to the NZSG library.